How It Works

We want to ensure the process is straightforward and user-friendly for both buyers and suppliers. Have a look at how it works below.


How OxFarmtoFork Works

We want to ensure the process is straightforward and user-friendly for both buyers and suppliers. Have a look at how it works below.

If you are a buyer or supplier and would like to join the OxFarmtoFork platform, please contact us at


Produce is added online

Each week, we invite producers to add available produce into a simple online platform. 


Buyers can place orders for produce

Institutional buyers are then able to look at what is available that week and place their orders. 


Orders sent to producers

Orders are sent to the producers to pack, and to the zero-emissions logistics company, Velocity, to organise collection. 


Orders are delivered

Orders are delivered into the city by cargo bike every Tuesday, having been picked up from producers the previous day – ensuring the freshest and best quality produce.

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