Good Food Oxfordshire

Good Food Oxfordshire is a network of organisations working towards a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system for Oxfordshire.


About GFO

Our vision is that everyone in Oxfordshire can enjoy the healthy and sustainable food that they need every day. To achieve this vision we aim to identify, catalyse and support actions by individuals and organisations that promote a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system for Oxfordshire. We are a network of over 150 organisations, including local food businesses, farmers and growers, institutions, and community groups who have all signed the Oxfordshire Good Food Charter demonstrating their commitment to change. Working with our partners we guide vision and strategy, advance policy, coordinate and support aligned activities and build public will through events and campaigns.


Take Action with GFO

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Join our community, make a pledge, and become a part of our network map.

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Support OxFarmToFork

Read more about our innovative project that connects Oxfordshire’s institutions directly with local agroecological food producers.

Good Food Oxfordshire image Call To Action

GFO Food Strategy

View our strategy for a more sustainable food system in Oxfordshire.


Current projects addressing food insecurity

FEAST: Co-creating solutions to address barriers to eating healthy and sustainable diets.

Over the past year, GFO has been involved in FEAST, a 5 year programme involving 35 European partners which aims to make it easy for every European to eat a healthy and sustainable diet. The programme aims to co-develop community-based solutions to support the transitions to healthier and more sustainable diets and address food insecurity.    

Good Food Oxfordshire is leading the project management of the Oxfordshire Living Lab. The Living Lab structure ensures the inclusion of a wide range of stakeholders throughout the planning, delivery and realisation of the programme.

Good Food Oxfordshire - About Us Image

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If you want to hear more from us at Good Food Oxfordshire, or to stay up to date with our work, make sure you are following us on social media - Join our community!

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Got a question for GFO? Want to have a conversation with us? Get in touch now to speak to a member of our team. There's no time like the present!

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