Funding opportunity to set up a bulk buying food coop


Funding opportunity to set up a bulk buying food coop

2 Sep 2024
GFO has funding available for groups to support cooking and healthy eating initiatives. You can find out more about this funding opportunity here. 
We are putting aside £1,000 of this funding to support a group of individuals to set up a bulk buying co-op.
Co-ops are based on the simple idea that organising together makes us stronger and more resilient — and saves us money! In this pack by Cooperation Town, they refer to food co-ops as small buying groups, which provide their members with affordable food (and other household products) bought in bulk and re-distributed at a very low price. They are the most affordable — and sociable — way to get food! Unlike a food bank, where recipients are means tested and have no say in how the service is run, co-ops are owned by their members, who decide together what to buy and how to run the co-op. They are not-for-profit groups, set up to meet members’ needs and are controlled by the people who join them. They are based on solidarity, not charity.
If you or your organisation are interested in accessing this support, get in touch with Hannah ( for an informal chat, or complete the funding application.
Deadline is 9am on 16th September.

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