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Good Food Oxford Signatories[/caption]
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Members of the GFO steering group proudly display their Charters (but do less well at all looking in the same direction)[/caption]
Since the launch of the Oxford Good Food Charter during Low Carbon Oxford Week 2014 (June 14-22)
over 60 organisations have got behind the campaign for sustainable food in Oxford by signing the
Oxford Good Food Charter, and the list is growing all the time. If you haven't got on board yet, you can
sign up online here -
send us an email telling us what you're doing to make your food more sustainable and we'll add you to the
network listing on the web site. The launch was accompanied by two events, one in the Museum of Oxford during the official
Low Carbon Oxford Week launch, when we were joined by Ben Reynolds from the UK Sustainable Food Cities network who brought a little razmatazz and national context to proceedings. Guests were fed a range of vegetarian canapes from the
Wandering Kitchen and we had no trouble eating a huge number of them... strictly to avoid food waste you understand.
public launch of the Charter was held in Bonn Square in central Oxford, with the kind permission of Charter signatory Oxford City Council. The small but bustling event was attended by a number of food stalls selling and serving tantalising goods ranging from local fruit and veg to sushi, Brazilian snacks and French macarons. Good Food is as global as it is local, after all, and Oxford is home to an amazing variety of cuisines and food cultures.
The Late Chef Paul Bellchambers was in residence with live cookery demonstrations during the day.
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Our friendly Fairtrade Bananaman officially welcomes passing crowds into the Good Food Oxford event in Bonn Square on 14th June[/caption]
So what next, now the Charter is launched? Well, we'd like your help
disseminating the Charter as widely as possible - ask your local cafe or restaurant whether they've signed and what they plan to do to make their operation more sustainable. Good Food Oxford is still a young organisation and the next stage in our evolution is to decide how we can most usefully
support existing organisations in Oxford working for Good Food, and where
new projects and programmes are needed that we can help to provide.
We'd like your input, so please
let us know what you think we should be doing - we'd particularly like to hear from you if you work in the catering and restaurant sector in Oxford. We are planning to hold another
Good Food workshop within the coming months to assist with this process, so watch this space. In the meantime, think about what you can do to make the food you eat more sustainable - cut your food waste at home (and save money too!), eat vegetarian meals more often, or just
cook and eat a great meal with people you love.
p.s. the Oxford Mail also ran
a nice story about the Good Food Oxford launch.