Over 50 people attended the recent information evening on building a cross-sectoral sustainable food network for Oxford. We were thrilled to have policymakers, chefs and caterers, farmers, retailers, community members and academics all in the same room at once, and the positive reaction to working together to make Oxford a ‘Good Food’ city. Presentations included a summary of the
FoodPrinting Oxford Report by Julian of
Cultivate; Tom Andrews of the national
Sustainable Food Cities Network spoke about what is going on elsewhere in the country and practical steps towards forming a network; and Ed Dowding from
FoodTrade told us about how to start mapping local food system resources. This was followed by discussion and comments were also solicited through feedback forms and via email.
For a summary of the evening see the
blog posting over at Low Carbon Oxford.
Next Steps: A steering group of 8-10 representatives from different sectors will now be convened in advance of a series of open and inclusive meetings in the New Year to prepare an
Oxford Sustainable Food Charter. The Charter will be launched during Low Carbon Oxford Week in June 2014.