Plant peashoots with us this summer


Plant peashoots with us this summer

4 Jul 2019
Could you help us plant peashoots with people? Find out how you can volunteer with Good Food Oxford here. They say growing your own food is like printing your own money – even if you start small with some peashoots on your windowsill! Last month during Oxford Green Week we engaged with visitors at various events at our peashoot planting stall, sending them home with an upcycled egg-box that was filled with some organic compost and a few dried marrowfat peas, which after watering for a few days start sprouting cute little shoots, and are ready to eat after just 10-14 days. peashoots on table with flyers and eggboxes During Oxford Green Week, we also launched the new Good Food Cooking Toolkit, a resource for creative cooking that we developed during our Veg Cities Cooking courses. The toolkit takes a hands-on approach to knocking up a tasty meal out of whatever ingredients you have available - rather than working with fixed recipes that often get people buying special ingredients that then sit on the shelf unused for the next two years. Cooking toolkit image During our cooking classes, we saw many benefits in this approach. For instance, using up what we already have reduces food waste and saves money. Working with the toolkit also means you can feel free to use exactly what you like, and however much of it you like. The idea is to try new combinations and work out by trial what works best for you - and there are actually very few real "errors" that can happen, unless you burn the food or add 2 tablespoons of salt, mostly you end up with just flavour variations. At our Green Week stalls, we played a game called "Guess the ingredient" where visitors got to taste a salad dressing made using the Good Food Cooking Toolkit and could win a vegetable to take home if they guessed at least 2 of the ingredients which included usual suspects like salt, pepper and mustard but also more adventurous additions like orange juice, tahini, ginger and more. Your imagination is the limit, but for those looking for inspiration we will be uploading some example meals created with the toolkit soon. [gallery size="medium" ids="2233202,2233207,2233208"] We will be running more peashoot and win-a-vegetable stalls at various events over the summer, including a day on "Farming, the First 12,000 Years" at Pitt Rivers Museum and the fun Elder Stubbs Festival. Join us there, or support us as a volunteer! Find out how you can get involved here.

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