
OxFarmtoFork is a short food supply chain initiative set up by Good Food Oxfordshire in 2023.


About OxFarmToFork

Bringing sustainable local food to the heart of Oxford 

OxFarmToFork is a collaborative project led by Good Food Oxfordshire that connects Oxfordshire’s institutions directly with local agroecological food producers. By simplifying the supply chain, we empower producers, enhance food security, and help institutions source sustainable, local produce that supports our community and planet. Every stakeholder fully commits to our ethos and signs our Charter.

Our Journey So Far 

OxFarmToFork is making strides to revolutionise the Oxfordshire food system. Here's a quick summary of our journey: 

We Support Local Producers 

Shorter supply chains mean producers earn a fairer share of the value, ensuring their livelihoods thrive. (We also provide funding for OxFarmToFork producers, using one-off joining fees paid by buyers, to enable infrastructural growth to increase production.) 

It Enhances Food Security 

By prioritising local produce, we reduce dependency on imports from climate-vulnerable regions, strengthening regional food security. 

Boosting the Local Economy 

For every £1 spent on local produce, £2.50 is generated in social, economic, and environmental value, driving prosperity for our communities. 

Promoting Biodiversity and Sustainability 

Agroecological farming practices nurture soil health, promote biodiversity, and reduce emissions and food waste. 

Ultimately, we are transforming local food systems with agroecological innovation. 

Learn more about our project by hearing from some of our producers and buyers:  

Listen to Our Champions 

"There’s been a gulf between growers and institutions. OxFarmToFork has bridged that gap in a way I couldn’t have managed alone." 

– Harrison Fannon, Market Gardener, Worthy Earth 

"The produce is so fresh and lasts so much longer than what we get from other suppliers." 

– Sean, Head Chef, Queen’s College, Oxford 

Connect With Us

If you want to hear more from us at Good Food Oxfordshire, or to stay up to date with our work, make sure you are following us on social media - Join our community!

Contact Us

Got a question for GFO? Want to have a conversation with us? Get in touch now to speak to a member of our team. There's no time like the present!

Contact us

Our Charter

Discover our ethos, what it means to be part of OxFarmToFork and what sets us apart.

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How it works

We aim to make the process straightforward, transparent and user-friendly for both buyers and suppliers. Learn more about how it works here.

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Our producers

OxFarmToFork producers all share the same values: to offer the best quality produce, using regenerative, sustainable and organic principles.

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Our buyers

A growing range of Oxfordshire-based institutions are buying produce through this initiative.

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Our team

Along with our delivery partners at Velocity, we are a small team helping esure the OxFarmToFork project runs smoothly.

Meet the Team
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